February 26, 2012

of random musing, quotes & happenings.

but ive been waking up and telling my job i dont love you anymore 

that day we pitched a tent, emo over songs, laugh till throats sore tears fall,
& nearly fall aslp with the breezes so cooling.

attackofmrfat! ohsocute!

that day siaocharbor finished her attachment



awfullygood. with guilt felt.

12am, drinking water off a small(kids meal) cup with 5 straws


bowling. i was the biggest loser, cant believe it!
iceskate. whoever told me twas easier than blading, shit you big time.
ECP hawker. my appetite for food has gone. 
1/4 of the plate, i was full.
of cause, force myself to down at least 1/2 of it.

jeans for a day, an accomplishment!
& fuck you work, see those eye bags !

brother is sponsoring me $150 for this baby!
i want the full whites!
told him i could only bear to buy just the camera itself. 
he goggled & saw the whole set, freaking 300ish.
& said, buy the whole set. i give you $150.
in the end, im still only paying for just the camera.

he even went supermarket & topup the fridge today
so that i will have brekkie on workdays & wont go hungry during the weekdays.
yes, thats my brother.
theres nothing in the world that i would exchange him for, never!

the 1st time i saw him protecting me literally was when he screamed at that asshole to get outta house yearss back. he seen me cried with puffy eyes for weeks. bruises and everything.
& from then on, he will QC every guy, unintentionally.
& secretly telling me whos approved.

sometimes he can really me ROBL.
sigh, my lil bro is growing up,

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