February 23, 2012

It comes to a point of harsh realization that a leopard will never change its spot.

But don't blame them, it's just in their blood.

Be glad that you realized why you'll put in so much. & the reason is Because you've fallen before & learnt much more than them to know what's precious & what's impt.

All I wanted is to know that I matter. To feel that I matter.

It's not complicated at all. You're just confusing yourself over what a typical girl would want vs what I want.

One day, something wonderful will happen to me. Well, something wonderful will happen to everybody actually. Just have patience, have a lil more faith.

Feel. Feel the hurt. Feel the pain. Feel the aches. Feel it all over & rem it then let it go. One day, it'll be useful.

I've gotten over & done with an abusive asshole years back. this is nothing as compared, it will be fine in the end. It always have been. Have a lil faith melly.

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