February 19, 2012

After a tense up week at work, I manage to squeeze in a visit to Venus.

With so much questions on mind, the cards however turns out oppositely to what I had in mind. So am I thinking too much? Or I'm thinking too narrowly. Work seems fine.

Endurance, strength & rest are always in the readings. & Venus always can't fathom how I always can endure so much. As a girl.

I can't agree more. I can take in as much as any other guys. In terms of challenge, mentally&physically. & I can always tolerate bullshit & hurt like no other. I'm not showing off though. Cause it only mean that I tends to suffer in silence.

I've been living silently these days. Literally, cause the phone's been on silent mode.(haha!)

Anyhows, not doing much talks unless neccessary. I dont really wanna pick the phone up & check the messages.
Not even trying to do anything to the room, it's on a hiatus (& a mess) now. & guiltily not visiting the gym for a week, but hey I was working at least 4/5 days since I forgot when.

Favegirl asked me on one of the dayss, why you do quiet? That was when i realized how awfully antisocial I've been. Just doesn't wanna talk. Seeking peace within myself.

I miss you.
Your comforting scent.
Garfieldfied eyes.
You trying to win a conversation by making me confused through your sentences. (haha!)
Your hugs.

What about the times we said we will make things alright & better again?

What about the smiles we put on each others face..

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