January 24, 2012

Wouldn't it be nice...

To return home after a fcuking bloody bad day to a love one waiting for you. & everything would magically feels alright again.

To cuddle & snuggle under warm sheets & talk nonsense or catch a movie or just let the music drift the both of you into a afternoon nap.

To whine & whine & whine & all he will do is to sayang you & treat you like a baby.

To whine & whine about something & he'll do anything just to get it for you, just to make you happy.

To throw a tantrum over something or when you can't quite get things right yet he takes in all, not be mad & try all ways even if it means dancing stupidly just to make you smile. even when the issues isn't about him.

To go all places do all things With your love

To just hugging him tight, comfortable in his arms, taking in all that smell of him that gives you comfort & everything suddenly feels alright again.

to have someone who actually LISTEN

To have someone who knows you inside out, like your soulmate

To have someone you can go crazy in the public teasing each other, hacking care the views of strangers.

To have someone who treats you like a queen. His queen.

I miss.
I miss it all.

Treat your ladies right.
Because she will give you all she have.
Because she will give you a part of her that she knows there's a possibility of you breaking it, her heart.
Her heart, the most fragile thing in the world. But she will give it to you, in hopes you will never break it. it's called trust.

She will do everything she can to be there for you at your lowest point in hopes that you'll still rem her when you're at your highest point. She will always be there until you shut her away. Women are like this, we just keep giving. Even when others tells us to stop.

Cherish her. Love her. Hold her.
Don't bring her down, always have her back.
Don't be harsh to her, woman are soft-approach creatures.
Don't stood her up, she will feel so dejected.

Standup for her when someone says something about her, you know deep down it isn't true.
Protect her, she vulnerable in this cynical world.

Because once you broke her heart,
She will never be the same again.
Trust me.

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