April 21, 2012

;My warmy fat mongster

The before-bed mindless/nonsensical talks and stories till I KO in betweens slurs of words (in non-human language sometimes) that I don't quite rem the following day I'm awake.

Phone filled with my fave drama just so I won't be bored Throughout the journey Even if it means putting up with the songs/playlist on my phone that isn't so quite your genre

Looking out the windows watching the world goes by

Fingers wars&twines and nudges in the sea of ppl

Bringing me to my fave food before I even think/ask for it

Personal-checklist whenever wherever

Personal medic

Getting me forks if available when using chopsticks proved a headache to me

The 😌 face whenever I try to win a conversation

Laughing madly cause my explanation/words/rebuts are just too absurd/right on the point



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