December 9, 2011

Stay true to yourself.

Dont criticize others, dont judge. Never. Ever.
It won't makes you any better or do you any good.

Others may judge, others may criticize.
You may never change their mind. You prolly wont ever.
So, Hear it as room for Improvement.
Or turn deaf upon it.

Don't hate.
It's a burden a tad too huge to bear.
Forgive. But remember the pain. Use it to strengthen you from within.

Feel the hurt, the angst, the anguish, the regrets, the heartache, the agony, the frustrations.

Then let it go. Move on.
Forgiveness is about letting yourself off from pain. You don't deserves pain & aches. Nobody do.

Stick to love.
Spread the love, spread the smiles.
For it'll make even a stranger's day.
For it'll lighten the minds of others.
For it may be someone's source of happiness.

For love, smiles and everything nice can warm the coldest heart & open up one's mind.

There's beauty in everything.
The living & the non-living.
Everything is amazing but nobody's happy.

Be grateful.
For everything that has happened, there may be regrets. But it has taught you an invaluable lessons that no teacher can ever impart to you.

Count your blessings.
Those that money can't buy.
For they're the most valuable.

Smile like you've never known sorrows.
Laugh like you've never cried.
Dance like there's no tml.
Love like you've never hurt before.

Life's too short.
Opportunities may only come once.
Chances may never come twice.

Just be happy humans.


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