November 14, 2011


I realized I've change. Alot.

Some's good. Some's bad.
From work to social, life.

I've been very protective of myself.
Very cautious & built many walls up.
I viewed most with a tag "guilty unless proven innocent".
I don't share "what happen" & "who what where" that much anymore.

Cause I'm been labeled as complainining.
Cause I've been labelled as fragile & vulnerable.
Cause I've been said that I'm not independent at all.
Cause I've been hurt & stabbed numerous times.

Put that aside,
My very inner nature is still in me.
Accommodating, forgiving, being nice and sweet & patience.
Just that it's covered up by the multiple layers of protection.

Come to think about it,
I've mould myself to survive in this cynical world. Esp after I start working.
I've been forced to be alone, to do things alone, to depend solely on myself.

But I'm human, I get tired.
Sometimes, I just want to depend on someone for awhile.
A place to rest myself & be myself after a long day out fighting for survival.

We've all been hurt before.
But we can't use it as an excuse to hurt others. It's not right.

Can I put down all guards now?
Can I take down my strong front when you're here?
Will you give me your all?
Cause when I decide to, I go all out.

I strongly believe, always do.
That of you wanna do something, anything. Big or small.
It's all or nothing at all.

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