October 25, 2011

I am..

Sensitive towards ppl & what they do/say.
Someone with imperfections.
Someone who likes to push limits and see how far I can go.
Someone who dislikes being look down just because imma girl.
Someone who puts up a strong front like nothing ever affects me even when it does.
Someone who puts others needs/wants priority before mine(& it killed me numerous times).
Someone who can go crazy one moment & quiet the other.
Someone who stares into blank alot, most of the times, it's like resting the mind.
Someone who has sky-high tolerance to anything. But I'll explode once the limit is triggered.
Someone who's constantly trying to give my best to my close fews.
Someone who love the 2 wonderful men in my life & if anyone show disrespect to them, I'll give it back to you x 193749292
Someone who's constantly on the go to learn new things/skills/knowledge.
Someone who loves to bake and cook, the oven is my best friend in the kitchen (so gonna get one soon!)
Someone who pms like a bitch.
Someone who can be so yangorh like a baby at times.
Someone who doesn't judge by looks.
Someone who believes in chances but not everyone deserves it.
Someone who believes there's always another side to a situation/person/whatever.
Someone who analyzes humans.
Someone who know my P's & Q's.
Someone who believes in putting effort, going all out for something.
Someone who has random strange cravings suddenly.

I overanalyze, I overthink,
I over react, I overestimate.
I procrastinate, I whine.
Because I'm just a girl.

I like to nua.
I like to ppl watch.
I like to sit at a cafe with my love ones & watch the world goes by.
I like to enjoy the fine quality of life, food and wine(moscato is love) at times.
But I'm not fussy, I adapt to diff environment pretty easily.
But if I set my mind on something, nothing can substitute it.
I cannot survive one day without them.
I read, I draw.

I thrive in peace & love.
No to wars, complications & politics.

It's all or nothing with me.

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