October 29, 2009

Drug addict.

oh god, i turning into a drug addict.
& this is not good.

whirlpool of emotions.
feeling cranky & restless.
and i cant get to ssleep at night.
so, i took relaxants.

& it only make things worst.
it really gets me to sleep in a short while.
but i'll get all fcuked up that you wouldnt wanna talked to me the next day.
its like PMS-ING.

just that, i PMS everyday instead of just once a month.

after brain storming with ZS,
we figured its prolly school that got us feeling these way.
(yup, we've became cranky bitches these days)
& its a good thing it happens to both of us.
in a sense that we understand,
& knows what to do when either or both is getting cranked up.

though modules these sem is something more in-depth than what we've learnt.
i guess the lecturers just think that we're like hard disk.
everything stored and saved.

but hello ?!
we're humans and have lost touch with books,
for like (At least) 1/2 year ??

we need time to recap,
you dont hafta rush.

maybe its just me.
maybe i'm too slow than the others.
maybe its just me feeling this way.

2nd week of school,
& assignment are piling up ALREADY.

cover letter & resume draft (by monday)
CSAS presentation (monday)
MNT lab assignment (by thursday)
tutorials (non-stop)
and research to complete tutorials (non-stop & even worst)

oh god, its only the 2nd week.

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