April 13, 2011

i say;

 The Girl Dictionary 
GUYS: Women want to be able to know she's secure when she's around you. Protect her!

 DamnRight! ✓ 
I feel stupid when I say "what?" a thousand times because I can't hear. 

 DamnRight! ✓ 
Unexpectedly thinking bout someone, and it makes me smile in some stupid ways. - @ 

 DamnRight! ✓ 
Dear whoever is reading this, you're beautiful & someone out there is crazy about you. So smile. Life is too short to be unhappy. 

 The Girl Dictionary 
If you cannot handle me when my emotions are the strongest, how do I know you strong enough for my heart?

 DamnRight! ✓ 
I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day...and tomorrow don't look good either.

 DamnRight! ✓ 
Who said english is easy. Fill these with yes or no: ___ I don't have a brain. ___ I don't have sense. ___ I'm stupid! 

 Wilson Kanadi 
 by DamnRightTweets
God can judge you, but He won't. People want to judge you, but who are they so they can judge you?

 DamnRight! ✓ 
My bed is hundred times more comfortable when I have to wake up.

 DamnRight! ✓ 
Boys, if you really care about her, you will make time for her. It's not hard to pick up a phone and send a text message. 

 @babyitsclara ✔ 
 by smartorious
There's nothing more attractive than a guy that smells REALLY good. 

 The Girl Dictionary 
If a girl replies "K", you did something to piss her off.

 The Girl Dictionary 
The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing.

 The Love Stories 
Nothing expresses more from a man to a woman than a forehead kiss. -@ 

 Kesin  
 by audreyliting
Never assume that someone likes you by their sweetness. Sometimes, you're just an option when they're bored.

 We Eat Quotes! 
 by smartorious
Over-thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is

 The Girl Dictionary 
I am stronger because I know my weaknesses. I am wise because I know I've been foolish. I laugh because I've known sadness.

 The Girl Dictionary 
A woman is not beautiful bc of the clothes she wears, makeup she puts on or car she drives. Her strength & willpower makes her beautiful.

 DamnRight! ✓ 
Nothing could make a girl happier when she knows that you make her your everything. In front of everyone, every time. 

 by smartorious
When you really care about someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because the mind gets angry but the heart that still cares.

 by smartorious
Do I get jealous? Yes. Do I cry? Yes. Do I get angry? Yes. Do I fight? Yes. Do I need a daily hug? Yes. I'm only human!

 Qayyum Mohamed 
 by smartorious
I hate one word answers. By speech, text, email, everything. REPLY ME IN PROPER SENTENCES. You're not THAT stupid right?

 i totally relate™ 
 by smartorious
Only I can fight with my sibling, you lay a finger on him/her and you die!

 by limminglidiana
It's funny, how the one who broke your heart actually taught you how to be strong. 

 The Girl Dictionary 
I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works.

 by smartorious
Time doesn't heal when you're not ready to move on.

 The Girl Dictionary 
I wanna be the girl who makes your bad days better. The one that makes you say “my life has changed since I met her”.

 The Girl Dictionary 
I'm perfect in my imperfections, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses, and beautiful in my own way... I am ME!

 ♓All About Pisces♓ 
The big problem is that Us  have secretly insane expectations that even we know can NEVER be met! FYI:

 ♓All About Pisces♓ 
 without Music... is like a Ocean with NO fish!! Sorry it's not possible.

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